How Can Training Help in OHS?
Training plays a pivotal role in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). It empowers employees with the knowledge and skills needed to maintain a safe work environment. Here's how OHS training can make a difference:
Enhanced Awareness
Prevention and Preparedness
Improved Safety Culture
Reduced Incidents

Safety First: Building a Secure Workplace with Expert Training
Our safety training programs are designed to equip your workforce with the knowledge and skills they need to ensure a safe and secure work environment. Prioritize their well-being and create a safety-conscious culture with our expert-led training sessions.

Establishing Safety Policies, Procedures, and its Objectives & Action Plan
In the present scenario, one of the primary objectives of employers is to ensure a safe workplace for employees. Do you want to take pride in the fact that your employees feel safe and comfortable at work and return home to their families safe and sound? To ensure this, the employers must take a proactive approach in implementing a systematic safety plan.
The safety policies, Standard Operating Procedures, and practices in accordance may sometimes even have to surpass the requirements set by statutory authorities depending on the environment and risks involved. For example, the safety guidelines in a chemical or a hydrocarbon plant will be very different from an engineering workshop.
This training aims to enhance skills to decide and implement customized policy and safety procedures, and the objectives and action plans related to the guidelines are clear to the people implementing the safety plan in the organization.
Philosophy of Job Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment.
Prevention of accidents and health hazards at the workplace is no less to win a War.
There is a golden rule in war: Identify the enemy and develop a deep understanding of the enemy's strength before getting into a conflict. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment is the most effective tool that organizations use to identify the hazards and threats related to health and safety at the workplace. Once the threats are identified, a systematic risk assessment may be carried out to find how impactful the threat may be. It helps to ensure the safety of life, limb, and machines as per safety policies and procedures laid out by the organization.
Our dedicated training program on HIRA helps organizations and safety officers develop Hazard Identification and Risk assessment skills in line with globally accepted practices in similar industries.

How to Prepare SOP, SWP, & Method Statement
Preparation of Standard Operating Procedure and Safe Working Procedures requires complete knowledge of regulations and operational processes. There are methodical ways of creating the SOP and SWP in which the internal regulator does not compromise on Safety and takes care of the smooth running of production or process as per desired output. It is no less than walking on a tightrope!
On the other hand, the Method statement generally focuses on processes or works termed as high-risk during risk-assessment activity and it may also outline the steps to manage dangerous situations during work procedures.
Join this training program to develop a perfect SOP/SWP commensurate to your Industry and your processes keeping in mind statutory regulations.
Conducting Safety Meetings
In any organization, communication is key to proper functioning. And the OSH is not untouched by the rule.
In this course, you’ll get to learn about different aspects of conducting a meeting.
Conducting Safety meetings will help maintain a positive environment at the workplace and ensure that all the workers’ opinions are heard.
What you’ll learn:
To design and deliver safety meetings.
To coordinate with workers, supervisors, and managers on the issues.
About the general problems regarding safety meetings and ways to avoid them.

Training on Positive Isolation (LOTO System)
Lock-Out cum Tag-Out systems and positive isolation of machinery, vessels, or systems and their power sources are critical in ensuring a safe environment for repairs and maintenance. Identification of the correct isolation method is equally critical while designing a Safe Working procedure. For example, if you repair an inflammable gas pipeline, a single valve cannot ensure positive isolation. In such cases, blind isolation or double block and bleed isolation are required to ensure personal safety. The same is valid with selecting a Lock-Out system over Tag-Out systems while working on High Voltage lines.
The person responsible for designing such isolation systems must have expert guidance and training. Our expert trainers teach you to create the correct isolation system to keep your men and machines safe.

Safe Procedures in Confined Space
Confined spaces throw up completely different challenges than regular maintenance or operation activities. Whether it is a confined vessel entry, mining operation, or an extensive underground tunnel operation, the safety teams have a different role in ensuring untoward incidents are avoided completely. The safety personnel must identify potential hazards and address them in the SOP.
The safety personnel must ensure that potential hazards like lack of oxygen, presence of toxic gasses, dust, lack of illumination, rotating equipment, and electric machinery are taken care of as a part of SOP. In addition, ventilation and isolation must be ensured before work. Further, one should ensure proper use of PPEs, knowledge of emergency procedures and first aid procedures. Moreover, during tense situations, things often go south. For such instances, rescuers must be identified and trained. In short, safe working in a confined space is no less than countering a deadly challenge.
Our team has extensive mining, manufacturing, and chemical plant expertise to walk you through these strict procedures error-free. After all, there is no margin of error while working in confined spaces.
Safety Procedures in Material Handling and Rigging
Rigging is a process where heavy loads are to be lifted and relocated. It requires a stable mindset and takes calculated risks with machinery and personnel. The safety system involves such a process that is foolproof and devoid of potential human judgment errors. The assessment of safety factors for equipment like D-Shackles, wire ropes, or cranes is critical. Regulating personnel management during erection activities is equally critical. Designing permit systems for such jobs is a meticulous exercise.
Material handling activities through labor or rotary equipment like conveyors require different safety guidelines. Knowledge and experience of various rigging or material handling situations always help design safe working procedures. Our experts have a vast knowledge of such situations and can train your teams in achieving a Zero-harm environment.

Safe Procedures with Moving Machineries
Industry cannot be imagined without moving machinery. All are considered moving machinery, whether it is a belt conveyor to transport raw material, an induction fan, or heavy earthmoving machinery like an excavator.
Working with a moving machine poses the following risks to personnel and the environment:
Risk of getting trapped between a moving part or unexpected movement of a part of the machine
Electric or power source of moving machinery
The heat generated by operation or fuel
Noise and vibration
In some cases, pressurized fluids or radiation
Involving individuals with technical and specialized expertise, it becomes easier to mitigate risks associated with moving machineries and establish certain safety procedures. This training will help identify these risks and guide the safety team to ensure a safe workplace.

Hot-Work Safety Guidelines for the Industry
The following activities are considered under the ambit of Hot work in Industry:
Activities involving open flame or high-temperature equipment
Welding, cutting, or soldering activities
Activities that may result in industrial Fire
There are numerous hazards associated with Hot Work. Common risks include Electric Hazards, Exposure to fumes or sparks, skin contact with hot pipes or vessels.
The first safety procedure carried out on a hot work request is an assessment of whether hot
work is necessary or can be avoided. There must be a comprehensive permit and isolation system with safety personnel monitoring the preparation activities. Practical training can help build a robust safety system for hot work activities.
Safe Procedures during Working at Height
In the Industry, irresponsible working at height remains a major reason for accidents and fatalities. Work at height, if unavoidable, should be carried out by precision, planning, and only deploying skilled personnel.
Preventing falls is the most critical objective for employers and safety inspectors. Following aspects should be considered while designing a safety system:
Usage of correct PPEs
Proper ladder/Robust scaffolding
Making sure people are trained for working at height
Protecting to and from falling objects
Rescue operations planning
We help identify the risks while working at height and take measures as per the Industry's best practices.

Road Safety Awareness
As per WHO statistics, about 1.3 million people lose their lives every year due to road accidents like crashes. It is the responsibility of every citizen and every individual to follow Road safety norms whether inside or outside work premises. Responsible employers are doing their part by educating their employees to practice road safety at the workplace and exhibit responsible behavior while using public roads.
Use of proper helmets, wearing of seat belts, knowledge of traffic rules, and cautious driving are needed to be followed by every user of the road. Our training modules are customized to the needs of individuals and industrial road safety.

Fire Safety
Fire Safety is the most common and one of the most critical training modules worldwide for any occupation. Fire and Heat are two components without which nothing can function in this world. Be it electricity for the household, LPG for cooking, or a furnace to melt iron at a furnace, or fire hazard is part and parcel of our daily routine. Companies and their employees must be well aware of the following training modules and documentation on relevant audits.
Types of Fires and their sources
Fire emergency/evacuation plans
Fire extinguishers
How to contain Fires
How to Prevent Fire
An employer deserves to sleep in peace as the factory keeps on working. To ensure total fire protection, our experts train the teams to prevent all kinds of fires and respond if any untoward incidence of Fire occurs at the workplace.

Gas Safety
Industry these days cannot function without gasses primarily used in compressed cylinders form. Handling these gasses requires precision and care. Improper conduct with gasses may cause fatal incidents like Fire, blasts, or asphyxiation. Following modules of safety training are recommended for Gas safety:
Compressed Gas safety training
Cryogenic Gas/ Compressed Air safety training
Oxy-fuel Gasses safety training
LPG Gasses safety training
Medical Gasses safety training
If your Industry uses any of these gasses, our experts at Synesis remain available to deliver these training modules.

Behavior-Based Safety
As an employer or senior management, do you find implementing a "safety culture" in your organization challenging? Do you wish to make all your employees till the last person in the hierarchy exhibit safe behaviors? Do you seriously want to implement safety as a part of all actions within your organization? If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, you need to adopt the Behavior-Based Safety module (BBS).
BBS may be understood as an organizational behavior management tool that focuses on the actions of all people in an organization, analysis of their actions, and implementation of a research-based intervention strategy to improve their actions/behaviors. It involves all employees, right from senior management to daily wagers. Broad steps involving BBS are:
Observation of Behavior
Analysis of Behavioral data
Determination of how to mitigate risks due to unsafe behaviors
Change of Behavior, evaluate the differences, and promote new behavior
Determining whether the change is effective.
The BBS procedure is a re-iterative method that eventually eliminates all unsafe behaviors, and safety is embedded in the organizational culture. Our experts do the hand holding during the complete process till BBS is implemented.
Chemical Safety & MSDS
Handling chemicals is part and parcel of operations in the Industry. Some of these may be hazardous, i.e., acidic or alkaline, may cause burns, skin diseases, or choking due to fumes. Before handling the chemicals, one must know how to decipher the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), which outlines all the information about a substance. Following are the main headers of information available in the MSDS:
Identification of the chemical and manufacturer identity
Hazards category
First-Aid measures
Fire-fighting methods
Accidental release measures
Storage and Handling inastructions
Personal protection and exposure controls
Physical and Chemical properties
Reactiveness and stability information
Toxicological information
Ecological Information
Disposal Management
Transportation guidelines
Regulatory information
One must have prior knowledge and experience to study this extensive document and understand the symbols and classes of Hazards. We provide training to industrial personnel on reading and using the MSDS effectively.

Housekeeping and 5S: Ensuring Workplace Health and Safety

As an employer or senior management, do you find implementing a "safety culture" in your organization challenging? Do you wish to make all your employees till the last person in the hierarchy exhibit safe behaviors? Do you seriously want to implement safety as a part of all actions within your organization? If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, you need to adopt the Behavior-Based Safety module (BBS).
BBS may be understood as an organizational behavior management tool that focuses on the actions of all people in an organization, analysis of their actions, and implementation of a research-based intervention strategy to improve their actions/behaviors. It involves all employees, right from senior management to daily wagers. Broad steps involving BBS are:
Observation of Behavior
Analysis of Behavioral data
Determination of how to mitigate risks due to unsafe behaviors
Change of Behavior, evaluate the differences, and promote new behavior
Determining whether the change is effective.
The BBS procedure is a re-iterative method that eventually eliminates all unsafe behaviors, and safety is embedded in the organizational culture. Our experts do the hand holding during the complete process till BBS is implemented.
EPRP & Mock Drill
It is an acknowledged fact that untoward incidents do not announce their arrival. One should be prepared for any eventuality at the workplace or in life. Employers today adopt EPRP (Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan) to eliminate or minimize the impact of untoward incidences. It is a tool that ensures preparedness to respond to all types of crises, whether natural or man-made. Our training aims to make an organization aware of the following steps of EPRP:
Analysis of potential Risk bearing activities or potential emergency-causing threats
Analysis of Current response plans
Capacity-Gap Analysis
Action plan for Preparedness and follow up for implementation

Training on Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP)
Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP) is a system-based approach intended to examine the system at the workplace and the management of risks involved. HAZOP helps in identifying the possibility of hazards likely by the system at work and the defect inoperability.
What you’ll learn:
To form a skilled HAZOP team
To identify the elements of the system
To study and analyze the possible variants in Operation frameworks.
Identifying the hazards and failure possibilities.

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Finding a genuine partner to enhance the skill levels of the team? We can train your teams.